Monday, August 4, 2008

Getting Started...

Starting a blog is a strange and silly thing... I had a live journal account once back in College and I remember enjoying writing that a lot . Of course, there was a lot more silly boy drama in my life to reflect on back then... which frankly made for some pretty interesting posts.

Things are a lot more sane now, but my desire to share my random little life with the world really has not. Let me share a few things about Ashley in 2008.

First off, I have a cat whose name is Max. He is a strange fellow, but provides a GREAT deal of amusement in my life. I am sure you will be seeing more of his antics soon enough.

Second, and possibly more amazingly, I have a serious and stable relationship in my life. Here Zach and I are this past weekend, celebrating our 3 year anniversary with some wine tasteing.

All this normalcy and lack of drama in my life (and FINALLY being done with school of all kinds) has pushed me to some interesting, and somewhat domesticated, pursuits. I've started knitting, doing paper crafts, keeping a kick ass container garden on our back patio and screen printing with my GOCCO (more on that in future posts). I hope to use this blog to comment on some of those things, and any other random thoughts, of which I fear there will likely be a lot.

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