Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Weather in Ashley's Brain: Cloudy with a Chance of Rain

Today is one of those days where my brain can't seem to focus on any of the million and one tasks at my desk. I'm trying to muddle through some serious changes to one of our Union contracts, and it's like my brain is two steps behind my body. I'm here, I'm looking at the contract, but my brain can't quite seem to focus and figure out what it needs to do to get this thing done. Not to mention the million OTHER things I have floating around me... phone calls, e-mails, newsletters, questionable committee actions.... it makes me want to crawl under my desk and cry. Really mature hey?

I keep trying to come up with something more interesting to say about this... but it just isn't there. I guess that's how it goes when your brain isn't firing... I can't be witty or even come up with something productive to say. Other than, suck it up woman and quit your whining.

Well, that helped.

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