Monday, August 24, 2009

Wedding Things I'm excited about.... Installment #1

Ok, after my rant I thought it might be good to start thinking about what wedding related items I might actually be excited about, since there are a few.

#1 - Paper Goodies - I love paper and I love paper products. What I REALLY love is letterpress, but my wallet does not agree with my love affair. When I bought my Gocco I was convinced that would be how I would create my invitations (or whatever it is we end up doing). After a few minutes and a goggle search for "Gocco wedding invitations" I'm quickly reminded of the wonders of the Gocco and how much fun it would be too produce something wonderful for the wedding with it. Now if I could just remember to actually purchase some more supplies before they run out....

#2 - Dress Shopping - Although I am a little terrified at the idea of shopping for a dress in a BRIDAL store (where they all cost too much and look beautiful). I am not at all scared of shopping for a dress. I'm thinking shopping for a off-white dress in a non-bridal store, might be best for me. That way I can avoid all the pushy sales people and just shop at my own pace. Now if only Anthropologie would start making wedding dresses...

#3 - The Honeymoon! - I love me a good vacation, so I'll take any excuse in the book to go on one. Zach and I have already been on 3 lengthy vacations (Dominican Republic for a friend's wedding, Vegas/California and our recent trip to New Orleans/Mexican Cruise) so this is by no means our first trip away together. We know each others quirks and limits and we know what we like. Each vacation we've taken we've learned a lot about ourselves and I think they've always brought us closer. I am sure that this vacation will be no different! I am just trying to fight the urge to make this "the" vacation and spending a boat load on it. We'll have other vacations!

Wow, I'm happy to report 3 things I'm actually excited about for the wedding. I know that 3 things isn't exactly a ton, but it is something right?

1 comment:

Natalie said...

J. Crew, Nordstrom, and Nicole Miller have some affordable dresses.

All check out this website

Have fun!