Friday, September 11, 2009

Now That is Love...

Yesterday I had the joy of going in for a minor medical test and Zach got to be my "designated driver". Suffice to say that the procedure involved me not being able to eat for basically 1 1/2 days and required the consumption of some less then fun liquids to help clean things out. It hasn't been the most enjoyable few days of my life, but it made me realize how my Zach loves me.

As we were driving the the hospital he said he had a tough time sleeping the night before because he was so worried about me. In fact he was still a bit of a nervous wreck on the way there... he was more nervous than I was! Then, as I was waking up post-procedure, as soon as my eyes were open he said, "I'm not letting you close your eyes in here again!" On the way home he confessed that it was pretty scary seeing me all passed out and hooked up to tubes and such. "Not exactly an easy way to see you," he said.

Then, if those first few pieces of adorableness weren't enough, he cleaned up my mess when I managed to get sick all over the living room floor after my first attempt to eat solid food failed. No questions asked, no gross faces, no comments, nothing, he just quickly cleaned up the situation and went on about his business.

Now that is love.

I love you Zach! Thank you for being there for me, it means the world. :)

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