Thursday, May 6, 2010

Post Surgery Update - Days 5 & 6

Day 5

I decided it was time to head to work. I woke up way earlier than necessary (I wasn't sure how long it would take to get ready!) and headed in to work a little early. I was feeling good to go and happy to get dressed in normal clothes and getting out of the house!!

Driving was a little difficult in the cast. Even though the cast is on my left foot, it was tough to find a position to sit my foot that wasn't awkward.

Getting to work all the ladies at the front desk were fascinated with the Turning Leg Caddie. Basically, it is a scooter with a platform for my knee and not my foot. I can rest my knee on it comfortably and not need crutches. I love it. I told the whole story for the first of about a dozen times that day and I was on my way upstairs.

Up in the office I quickly got the nickname "Scooter". My boss can't help but chuckle every time he sees the scooter. I won't lie, it is pretty amusing.

Trying to find a position to lay my foot and keep it up was a bit trying. I tried getting the caddie under my desk, but it didn't really sit right. Currently my CPU is a decent leg rest, as is the top of my desk. Either case though, I end up sitting a little funny to accommodate the position. Hopefully I won't end up hurting my hips or knees with the strange positioning.

I made it through the day, but it was definitely a little rough. My foot was definitely swollen when I got home and I was quickly told to get on the couch, get my foot up and relax. Which I did. We ate dinner and I fell asleep on the couch. I guess I was more tired then I thought!

Day 6

Back at work again, but questioning if it will be a full day. My foot definitely feels more swollen today, likely as a result of my day yesterday. I'm keeping it up and trying my best. We shall see how the day goes!

I can safely say I'm already really sick of how long it takes to do ANYTHING that involves moving. I'm used to getting around quickly and getting stuff done, and I just can't do that now. Hopefully after a few more weeks I'll have the energy to actually do some stuff at home, but right now, getting ready, getting to work, working and getting home is about as much as I can handle! Feeling useless was something I didn't really prepare myself for.

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