Wednesday, June 30, 2010

REAL Shoes!

Yahoo! Yesterday, for the first time since my surgery, I put on REAL shoes!! Ok, so yesterday it was sandals and today was tennis shoes, (Is that right, tennis shoes? It looks funny.) but at least they were shoes and not my not-so-beloved boot!

Walking is a bit rough, rolling my toe isn't so easy still, but I can feel the stretching, which is good. As my doc keeps saying, use it or lose it! I'm thrilled with the progress so far.... I got to take a long walk with Rigby this afternoon, which was the first time since my surgery that I could do that with two shoes....

Man. You really don't appreciate your feet until they are messed up. If you have good feet, consider yourself blessed!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

On to the "Walking" Cast

Last Thursday I got rid of my beloved scooter and upgraded (at least in the form of progress towards full recovery) to a "walking" boot! They once again took all the bandages off and I got to see my someone still gross looking foot again. I can say it looks like it is healing well, but yeah, it is still pretty gross.

Now, my "walking" boot should really be called a shuffling boot. Given that I can't bend my ankle in it, you can't really walk in it, even if it doesn't hurt (which most of the time, it does not). Not to mention this sucker is heavy. I would guess it weights something similar to the cast I had before, only now I'm trying to walk with it.

My other boot complaint? The boot puts my foot up a good 2 - 2 1/2 inches off the ground. So I have to wear a heel of some type on my second foot, just so I even out. Luckily I had a pair of Dansko sandles that have a serious base and heel to them (but not like "heels") so I don't kill myself walking in it. Seriously, trying to walk with a flat shoe and the boot would really mess up your hips I think. I found one other pair of shoes that I got a the Walking Company that also seem to do the trick.

Either way though, I'll take it. The boot definitely lets me get around a lot better (even if it is much slower) than the scooter. The scoots served it's purpose, but I'm glad I can now get my own breakfast and hopefully I'll take a standing shower soon. The shower chair is getting old.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Stupid Cripple Moment #2: PAIN

So my next stroke of post-surgery brilliance came the night after I got my new cast put on (that was May 17th, in case you were wondering.)

I was so excited to get the old cast off and the staples out of my foot I could have died. It felt like a major accomplishment (which sounds stupid, since I wasn't really doing anything) in the recovery process. Taking the staples out really didn't hurt (which I really thought it would) and the whole process was pretty easy and painless. Unfortnately, it also meant getting a new cast on, which always sort of sucks. Not that the process sucks, simply that having one sucks, on the upside, I thought the next time this baby came off, it would be the end of my hard cast days!

We got the soft wrapping of the foot all done (they do this to protect the wound), and I even tested it out (putting weight on my foot for the first seconds in weeks) and it seemed fine. They put the cast on (and in fact, I could even see my toes!) and sent my on my way. My doc left with the wise (and now forboding) parting words of, "Remember, it is supposed to be hurting less now, not more." Everything seemed fine....

...until about 3 hours later. My foot started to hurt. More specifically my big toe and the joint started to hurt. A lot. Zach came home from work and saw one pathetic wife on the couch. I thought maybe the pain was just from the doc minipulating my toe (which was awefully painful on its own) and maybe he over did it. Frankly, it was probably the worst pain I had felt up to that point with this whole thing. This should have been a rather obvious sign that something was wrong and that I should do something about it. But of course I didn't.

I eventually crawled up the stairs (I think there might have been some crying involved) and went to bed, doped up on Vicodin, in hopes of a decent night sleep and a better morning.

Amazingly, I woke up feeling not too bad. I went to work, and it still wasn't too bad. I called the doctor anyways, since that "call if it hurts" warning was still in my head. With the report that was CURRENTLY feeling not too bad, they scheduled an appointment for the following day, just to be sure.

I went home, still feeling not too bad. I hit the couch and got my foot up and it started to hurt. I took some Vicodin, hopeing it would help. By the time Zach got home (about 8 or 8:30) it was terrible pain and had taken as much Vicodin as was allowed. It was rivaling the night before, however I could barely even set it down on a pillow without more pain. I kept holding my foot higher and higher, but then I couldn't put it down again without excrushiating pain. This was getting ugly.

After an hour or so of back and fourth about what to do (Try to cut the cast off? Go to the ER? Dope me up and wait for tomorrow's appointment?) we decided to do the logical thing. We called the "emergency" number on the doc's card. The number went to his poor wife's cell phone!

We (and by "we" I mean Zach, I could barely talk at this point, other than cries of pain) got the doc on the phone and aftering hearing about the pain (and the fact that I could barely move my big toe) he told us to meet him at the office at 11:00 pm. His assumption was that the cast was simply too tight.

I felt terrible, but at least he thought it important enough to meet up with us in the middle of the night. We made it to the car, although I don't recall exactly how. The doc got the cast off pretty quick, and although there wasn't instant relief, it definitely felt better. As the doc got the x-ray machine ready (to make sure everything really was OK) Zach and I watched as my foot twitched itself back to regular blood flow. My ankle could barely hold up my foot for more than a few seconds, which I guess goes to show how fast atrophy really happens!

A few x-rays later, the doc decided that everything internally was ok (I think he was concerned we might have missed something from last week's fall). He played around with my toe again (which HURT!) and pressed on the bottom of my foot where I was feeling a lot of the pain the night before. He decided I probably had a little spot of internal bleeding/pooling there, which was causing the pain, but with lighter wrapping should take care of itself.

He VERY lightly rewrapped my foot, and re-did the cast. The cast is now only up to a little above my ankle (I think it looks like a big old boot) and with a lot less extra padding then he had added the last time. We were on our way by a little after midnight, with the extra precaution of a prescription for another round of antibiotics, just to be 100% sure.

Since then, the foot has been fine. A little tightness here and there, but no real PAIN.

Lesson learned, when your doc says you shouldn't feel pain, call the moment you do. You'll spare you and your doctor the nightmare of an 11 pm trip to the office!

Stupid Cripple Moment #1: The Scooter and I Bite the Dust

Oh updates.. how I have neglected you, and with so much excitement, I don't know how I could!

So two weeks ago Wednesday (May 12th if you're keeping track) I was scooting my way out of Village Hall (where I work). As I was coming out something happened, I'd like to say that a bunny ran out in front of me, and in my efforts not to roll right over it, I fell, but I didn't. I can't even really tell you what happened. All I know is that before I knew it, I was falling. In that great, slow motion movie kind of way.

All I remember thinking was, "Oh Shit" and "Don't hit the foot!". I mostly landed in the grass, but my toes scrapped the sidewalk. A nice resident walking up helped me up, as did one of our Trustees who had walked out a few seconds before me. I was pretty sure I was totally fine physically, my ego, was probably another story.

I got to my car and had to catch my breath and my composure. Falling is always scary, but falling when there is NO way to catch yourself (other than your arms) is pretty terrifying. I was shaking like a leaf in my car, and finally realized that I had no idea if I had actually done any damage to myself. I hit my left (i.e. the injured leg's) knee on the ground (minor, although no bleeding scrape there). Then I wanted to check my toe. But I can't see my toes in my cast. Shit.

So what did I do? I whipped out my camera phone to take pictures of my toes and make sure all was well. It took a number of tries to get the angle right, but I finally confirmed that 1) I still had a big toe. 2) It wasn't bleeding. BUT 3) I had scraped off quite a bit of the toe nail on my big toe in the process. Uh oh.

Once I was pretty sure nothing really hurt, I called my husband. After a good laugh about my fall (I must admit, it was pretty damn funny), we confirmed that I should continue with my afternoon and not call the doc quite yet. If I had any major pain or bleeding, then we'd call. Otherwise, the hubs would check out the toes in the evening and see what he thought.

Upon inspection, we decided to call the doc in the AM, just to make sure. After all, the doc did say to call if you had any falls, and frankly this was kind of a doozy. Upon the report of a fall, the nurse immediately made me an appointment for that afternoon. Evidently they take that stuff seriously.

After a little ribbing upon my arrival, the doc did x-rays, and confirmed what I suspected, everything was fine. Crisis averted.

Or should I say, one crisis down, a few more to go. This whole being without a foot thing, is pretty rough.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Post Surgery Update: Lessons Learned So Far

Ok, so it has only been a little over a week, but I feel I've learned a few important lessons so far, and here they are:

1) People are really nice and will offer to help you when you look pathetic. My boss even met me at the front door of our building and parked my car for me when it was raining earlier this week. Don't try to play too cool for help, take it when it is offered!

2) Personal injury is really a great conversation starter. That probably sounds bad, but seriously, people who I see every day but don't know well, will have full on conversations with my about my foot problems when they see the cast. And it seems, almost every woman I know has foot problems, or at least knows someone else who does. Guys on the other hand, just want to know about the scooter. If they can try it, we'll probably be friends for life.

3) Shower chairs (at least for an injury) are a TOTAL RIP OFF. We went to CVS looking for a shower chair and only found $70 versions. You know what also works well? A plastic patio chair, and at $10 that was still probably a rip off, but we didn't want to bother with another store. And I am happy to report, the chair works perfectly! (Also purchased were a handheld shower unit and a cast cover, each $20). Although $50 worth of stuff just to shower seems stupid, it is 100% worth it not to have to take another bath. Baths are only fun when you don't have to actually clean yourself in them.

4) Knee Walkers/Roll-A-bouts, or my "Scooter" as it is lovingly referred to, are the best invention ever. I love my scooter. I can get around, avoid crutches and it is even kind of fun. Not to mention it is a great conversation starter with total strangers who are always amazed by your awesome device. I'm like a one-woman advertisement, but seriously, I'd be 10 times as miserable right now if I had to use crutches.

5) Repeat the mantra, "It will be over before I know it." Especially when I've once again forgotten something I need all the way upstairs. A good sense of humor, and a great husband (or other helper) are key to a smooth recovery. If you feel bad for yourself all the time, your recovery period will totally suck. You've got to do what you can, and ask for help when you can't. Even though it feels like the longest time ever (I know my days on the couch felt like a week, and they lasted 5 days.) it really is just a blip in your life. Hopefully a blip that will make the rest of life easier with a pain free foot!

6) The movies are wonderful. ADA accessible, and if you get their early, you can put your foot up on the railing in the front row and life is good! We're not usually big movie goers, but man, being out of the house and feeling minorly social felt FANTASTIC!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Post Surgery - Day 7

Well, it is officially 1 week since my surgery! A week ago right now I was just waking up in the recovery room...

My foot felt decent when I got home last night, and I had a lot more energy than the previous night (as in, I didn't just fall asleep on the couch!). I haven't been taking any of the pain meds since last Tuesday morning, so I think that is a great sign!

I know it sounds odd, but I'm a little concerned that having my foot up so much is giving me bad (or maybe I should say worse) posture! As I sit here at my desk trying to keep my foot up on my CPU, I keep finding myself slouching over to one side of my chair. I think it is mostly because I am NOT flexible, and actually keeping my foot up pretty much feels like a constant stretch if I'm sitting up straight. I really should have kept up with those yoga classes... they were making me much more stretchy and helping with my back strength. That would be awfully helpful right now!

Zach and I talked about possibly going to a movie with some friends this weekend! I don't know why, but the idea of getting out of the house and doing something fun (other than work) has gotten me VERY excited. I guess that's what I get for being couped up in the house for a week straight. The only downside is that I won't really be able to sit up in the riser area of the theatre, given my bum foot, and I really prefer that area over the flat part at the front. :( Small price to pay to get out of the house though!!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Post Surgery Update - Days 5 & 6

Day 5

I decided it was time to head to work. I woke up way earlier than necessary (I wasn't sure how long it would take to get ready!) and headed in to work a little early. I was feeling good to go and happy to get dressed in normal clothes and getting out of the house!!

Driving was a little difficult in the cast. Even though the cast is on my left foot, it was tough to find a position to sit my foot that wasn't awkward.

Getting to work all the ladies at the front desk were fascinated with the Turning Leg Caddie. Basically, it is a scooter with a platform for my knee and not my foot. I can rest my knee on it comfortably and not need crutches. I love it. I told the whole story for the first of about a dozen times that day and I was on my way upstairs.

Up in the office I quickly got the nickname "Scooter". My boss can't help but chuckle every time he sees the scooter. I won't lie, it is pretty amusing.

Trying to find a position to lay my foot and keep it up was a bit trying. I tried getting the caddie under my desk, but it didn't really sit right. Currently my CPU is a decent leg rest, as is the top of my desk. Either case though, I end up sitting a little funny to accommodate the position. Hopefully I won't end up hurting my hips or knees with the strange positioning.

I made it through the day, but it was definitely a little rough. My foot was definitely swollen when I got home and I was quickly told to get on the couch, get my foot up and relax. Which I did. We ate dinner and I fell asleep on the couch. I guess I was more tired then I thought!

Day 6

Back at work again, but questioning if it will be a full day. My foot definitely feels more swollen today, likely as a result of my day yesterday. I'm keeping it up and trying my best. We shall see how the day goes!

I can safely say I'm already really sick of how long it takes to do ANYTHING that involves moving. I'm used to getting around quickly and getting stuff done, and I just can't do that now. Hopefully after a few more weeks I'll have the energy to actually do some stuff at home, but right now, getting ready, getting to work, working and getting home is about as much as I can handle! Feeling useless was something I didn't really prepare myself for.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Post Surgery Update!

Post Surgery Day 2

The second day post surgery was much like the first, but Z's mom came to visit and brought soup and some yummy rubarb dessert! It was nice to have someone come to visit, and I think Z liked seeing someone other than my smelly self! The doctor called (or was that Saturday?) and said that my toe still being numb was ok, sometimes it takes up to 36 hours. Well, right around 36 hours I started feeling it, and it hurt!

Oh yeah, and Zach had a lesson, which meant I decided I needed to move up stairs for the first time to avoid being an ugly smelly piece of furniture during his lesson. Moving upstairs meant my smarty pants decided to hop all the way upstairs, which was a stupid idea that really hurt my foot. Since then I've been scooting up the stairs, which is a much better option.

We finally decided to move up to the bedroom to sleep tonight as well. I'm not certain if I slept better or not, but Zach definitely slept better! I am still waking up at 3 to take my anti-inflammatory meds and pain meds.

Post Surgery Day 3 - First Follow-Up!

Monday was my first follow-up day with the doctor! In honor of leaving the house, I decided I should be cleaned. Zach helped me upstairs, we wrapped my foot/wrapping up in a garbage bag and lowered my stinky self into the tub. It was an odd way to bathe, with one leg stuck out of the tub, but it felt good to feel a little cleaner! It was pretty exhausting though.

We headed to the doctors in the afternoon and got to see my foot for the first time! It looks pretty crazy! The whole thing was pretty swollen, and there was quite the line of staples down the two incisions. I got some x-rays of my foot and the doc said all was well. After taking all the bandages off, my poor foot got a few minutes of fresh air before it got wrapped back up. And then it was a full cast! This is my first full cast (it goes up to under my knee) and it is HEAVY! It definitely is very warm as well, which means I have a constantly HOT foot, something I HATE. I still haven't tested the cast with pants, I'm terrified I won't be able to fit pants over my casted foot (The cast is BIG on my foot). Although skirts are always an option (without nylons though, given that I could only nylon up one leg!) I'm a little nervous about the skirt/scooter option. That and the reality that I need my leg up whenever possible, and that and a skirt could mean flashing people unnecessarily!

Post-Surgery Day 4 - Relax/Light Work

I let my work know I'd do my best to make it in to the office on Wednesday, and that I'd be at home trying to work a little on Tuesday. I've started a little work so far, and it is very difficult to concentrate.

The pain today isn't too bad... I took my last 1/2 pain pill some time this morning, I think something like 8:00 or so this morning. I guess it's only 10:30, so that doesn't really mean much hey? :) I'm loosing track of when I took what, which I guess is ok, given that I'm not in sooo much pain that I can't wait for the next one!

Overall I'm most surprised about how difficult it really is to get around. I knew it would be a pain, but I didn't realize how much energy it would take to lug around this cast and wheel around the house. The scooter is definitely better than crutches. My arms hurt from just scooting my butt up and down the stairs a few times yesterday, I can't even imagine how bad they'd hurt if I was using crutches! Still though, maneuvering around with the scooter is tough. Just getting up a few times is pretty exhausting, and having my foot below my heart still hurts and is very distracting. I'm not sure that driving right now is the best idea, and I'm a little scared that tomorrow might be rough still too! Hopefully I can try out a little driving this evening or something, and see how it feels.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Post Surgery - Day 1

Today, Saturday, I awoke still not in any major pain. I can feel the wrapping, it makes my leg feel very heavy (it goes up to under my knee) and I can feel a few of my small toes (Zach tried touching them) but as of 8:00 this morning, I can still barely feel my big toe, or the largest small toe. That makes me a little scared, I'm really hoping that doesn't mean there was nerve damage or anything.

Zach had music lessons today (9:30 am - 1:00 pm) which means he's gone until 2:00 pm or so. It's about 12:37 pm at the moment, and my foot still doesn't really hurt at all. The wrapping feels tight, but that's about it. I'm eating, I feel fine, the pain meds aren't making me too loopy (I can at least read, watch TV etc, which I couldn't last time!). Things are good.

My only current worry is that there is nerve damage or something. It is over 24 hours since I left the surgical center, and I'm still numb in my big toe (or I was at 8 am) I'm going to check with Zach again when he's home in an hour or so. I might also do a little internet research. I can't say I mind the lack of pain, but a little pain is worth a lifetime of FEELING in two toes!! I can't really feel the incisions yet either. I can definitely feel my heel, my leg and my little toes, but those were all locations where no work was done. If there was going to be nerve damage, it would be in the places I can't currently feel!

Surgery Day!

Greetings from the other side! I was already through foot surgery once 10 years ago. I hated every minute of it, it was the most painful experience in my life. Suffice to say, knowing what I was getting in to again, I wasn't thrilled with the concept of going back for more. But I did.

Surgery Day

Surgery was scheduled for 7:30 am on Friday. I had to be at the surgical center at 6:30 am. I couldn't eat of drink after midnight. I ate dinner at about 10:00 pm and had my last glass of water as I went to bed at 10:30 or 11. We were up at 5:00 am for my last regular shower for at least a month and then the drive to the center.

Once at the center, everything went pretty smoothly. We checked in, filled out a few final pieces of paperwork, waited in the waiting room for about 5 minutes, and then they came over to take me back to get ready. I had to put on the terrible little "hospital dress" which was as ugly as always, take my pregnancy test and get settled to wait. All the nurses were amazingly nice and helpful. I got to met my anesthesiologist, and heard the plan for getting me through. I would be doing "twilight sleep" meaning I might very well wake up during surgery, but would likely not remember much.

The nurse came in to put in my IV, in what she said were "little veins". That all went fine and I was hooked up to my IV with antibiotics started. We waited a little longer for the doc to show (I think he was running a little late!). Him and another doctor came in, which would be assisting him in the surgery. Both were nice and making jokes, which was nice. Once they were there, I was whisked back to the operating room where they got me moved to the surgical bed and got me hooked up. The anesthesiologist got me started on the stuff to knock me out, and I was OUT. I remember waking up a few times. I remember saying I was cold and trying to stay awake, but wasn't very successful. I know I heard some mechanical noises (maybe a drill or some screwing?) but went right back to sleep.

Back in the recovery room I woke up pretty quickly. Taking one look at the clock I realized we were running a little behind and asked the nurse to go tell my hubby everything was ok. I know he was probably out there worrying about me!

They took quite a bit of my monitoring devises off. Then they offered me water. I've never been so excited about getting something to drink in my life! The nurse mentioned my eyes lit up when I saw the glass... I was SOO thirsty!! The not eating before the surgery was fine, but the next drinking was KILLER for me. I usually drink a lot of water, so it was rough for me.

They kept me in the recovery room for about an hour, and the anesthesiologist and doc visited me. All went well, except evidently the old screw in my toe was a b**tch to get out. They actually had to drill around it a little, and then use some needle nose pliers to twist it out. Otherwise things went well. They gave me some prescriptions and directions, and I actually remember them!

The eventually wheeled me out in a wheelchair to my waiting husband and quickly I was in the car and on my way home (it was roughly 11 am)! Zach dropped me off at home and went to get my drugs and some jell-o. We got my foot up on the couch, and the animals came to smell what was going on with my foot. Once Zach was back, I hit up the jell-o and some pudding to see if I could keep some food down. SUCCESS! Given the failure last time I had surgery, I was thrilled to be able to eat. Next we hit up the soup, and decided to take the antibiotics and anti-inflammatory, to see if I could keep it down. SUCCESS!

I thought they said the numbing agent would last 8 - 12 hours (but now I'm thinking it was 8 - 24 at least!) I followed all the directions I got (foot up, ice 20 minutes of every hour, take the meds, eat). The nurses said following the directions should make the numbing agent last longer. I would have done anything she said!!!

Around 7 pm I had the hubby make some dinner (frozen bertoli pasta in a bag) and scarfed down some food. Once again, no sickness!! We decided to split one of they hydrocodone I was sent home with, to see if I could keep it down. Once again, SUCCESS! I figured the numbing agent would start wearing off soon, so I decided to take 1/2 a hydrocodone every 4 - 6 hours (in accordance with the directions, but they actually recommended the full pill). I eventually fell asleep on the couch around midnight, still with a numb ass foot. I woke up at 3 to take the next anti-inflammatory and another pain pill. Foot still number, life was gong well! :)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Appreciating Time...

I spend a lot of time dwelling on the future. I'm a planner, always have been, always will. Sometimes I think I actually enjoy planning things more than I even enjoy doing them.

I have a vary difficult time "living in the moment". I put it in quotes mostly because I don't even really know what that means to me. I'm here, I'm living, but am I "in the moment"? Probably not. My mind is usually racing to the next thing I need to do, I'm often a few steps ahead of myself. The things I need to do now? Not too interested. I'm busy planning the next vacation, the next week or the next project. Sometimes it's a miracle I get anything done.

A few years ago I took a little training seminar for work, and one of the first sessions was about time management. At first I didn't think it could mean much to me, but for my personal life I think it could be very meaningful.

I think a lot of people are familiar with the concept of putting your money towards things you value, kind of a "put your money where your mouth is" type idea. In the same respect, I think I need to start focusing on putting my time where my mouth is. (Time is money right?!)

Realistically, on a typical week, I probably spend at least 20 hours watching TV, including weekends. Some of it, is watching shows I love, but the vast majority of it is just mindless TV. Of course some level of relaxation is good, but I think I'm way past that. There are things I want to do with my time! Craft projects to pursue, family to visit, shopping to do! All that TV watching is really getting in the way. Yet somehow, I get home and I plop myself down on the couch and watch TV for 3 hours a night and suddenly, it's bed time. What a waste of life.

I wasn't always like this, I swear. I spent College working a part (almost full) time job and easily finished all my school work. I when through Grad School with a 20+ hour a week job, no problem. When I have had a million things that simply HAVE to get done, I make it happen. I know it sounds crazy, but working 40 hours a week and having all this "spare" time is really making me lazy.

Looking at the numbers, 20 hours!? of shitty TV?!, really makes me think of all the work I could be doing in that time. I could have had a million projects completed in those hours, hundreds of dollars in crafting projects (well, if I actually sold them), tons of wonderful meals cooked, books read, hours of quality time, you name it.

That's it... I'm going to put my time where my mouth is and stop being so damn lazy. As Nike would say, Just Do It! I'm not sure how that is supposed to sell me shoes... but whatever. :)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Weddings are Dangerous...

So I haven't written here in well... forever it seems.

The wedding has taken over my life (well, at least my non-work life) and eaten my spare time up with projects and planning. It probably doesn't help that we decided in December that we were going to get married in a few months. By a few months, I mean February 13th. Oh yeah, and plan a 12-day Mediteranean Cruise with a Parisian side trip to boot. Yeah, I'm nuts.

That is a lot of planning to do in like basically 2 months. It seemed like a long time when I started, but it has gotten away from me very quickly. Early on I created a little breakdown of the tasks that would need to be accomplished each week. The lists have gotten longer, but having only 2 months really teaches one to prioritize. It also kept my crazy ideas in check. Our invitations were awesome handmade little works of art. They took a lot of time and energy, but given that our guest list is 25 people we love, it was 100% worth the effort.

Last weekend my mom and I made a bouquet for me and a corsage for Z out of all vintage flowers. I must say, it is pretty awesome.

I'm still mulling over doing some type of a handmade "favor". I hate the word "favor". Given that we're down to two weekends, it might not happen. I'm still not over the idea though.

Unfortunately, all the time I've spent wedding/honeymoon planning has left virtually NO time for other types of planning. Like business planning, and craft planning.

I can't wait for the wedding, and I can't wait to have some time to plot and plan some of my business ventures after that. We've got quite a bit of downtime on the ship during our vacation, and I'm hoping to spend some of that doing some business brain storming.

I'm hoping to set up some business goals for 2010 and actually meet them. Secretly, I'm hoping that some day I'll find myself working from home full-time doing crafty stuff I love. Don't get me wrong, I love what I do now. It just doesn't fulfull the creative side of my life, and I love that more.